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i must confess i really did not want to be here tonight. but i knew i had to come. that's one more problem that i inherited from george w. bush.(我必须承认,今晚我其实不怎么想来这里。但是我知道我不得不来,这是我从乔治·w·布什那里继承下来的麻烦之一。)

sasha and malia aren't here tonight because they're grounded. you can't just take air force one on a joy ride to manhattan. i don't care whose kids you are(沙沙和玛丽亚今晚没有来,因为她们已经被就地停飞了。谁都不能把"空军一号"当成飞车游戏在曼哈顿来玩,我可不管他们是谁家的孩子)


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本文标题:Humor:和奥巴马学习经典的美式幽默 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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