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unit 3 aw, how sweet! 喔,真是恩爱的一对!

two women friends were having tea. said one to the other, “i’ve been trying to reach my lawyer for a week...”

“oh, please don’t mention lawyers to me,” interrupted the recent widow. “i’ve had so much trouble settling my husband’s estate that i sometimes wish he hadn’t died!”


1.reach vt. 联络到 & n.  能力所及范围
beyond (above, out of) one's reach 某人能力所不能及
keep sth within easy reach 把某物放在容易拿到的地方
例:dodging and weaving, johnny stayed just beyond the bully's reach.
the wily gangster always kept a pistol within easy reach.

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本文标题:赖世雄读英语笑话学英语之婚姻笑话(3):喔,真是恩爱的一对!(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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