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Why didn't you go with him?

When l was in the grocery store I heard my friend moan,"Oh,did I just make a faux pas!"I stopped thumping melons andgave her my full attention.

"I ran into Mrs. Jones,"she wailed. u I didn't know that her husband died last week,and I asked her hoW he was feeling. She said,‘He's gone.’ I assumed he went someplace for his health,and I said..
“我碰见了琼斯太太,”她哀导着。 “我不知道她丈夫上周去逝了,我问她他身体怎么样。她说:‘他去了。’我以为他因为健康原因去了什么地方,我说......

The words seemed to stick in her throat.

"What did you say?¨l prodded her."Good riddance?"

"Worse than that.I said,'WhY didn't you go with him?"


keep onels promise 遵守诺言
Well done 做得不错
landlord 房东,地主,(旅馆等的)老板
knowledgeable 知识渊博的,有见识的
moan 呻吟,哀悼,呼啸
faux pas 失礼,失言
thump 重击,砰然地响
prod 刺
riddance 摆脱,除去,驱逐,解除



Clarinet 单簧管
Flute 长笛
Saxophone 萨克斯风
French Horn 法国号
Trumpet 小号
Viola 中提琴
Cello 大提琴
Guitar 吉他
Violin 提琴
Harp 竖琴
Acoustjc Grand Piano/Grand Piano 三角钢琴(用于演奏厅)

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本文标题:那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事172:你为什么不跟他一起去呢? - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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