
看笑话学英语33:Space Mountain太空山

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听笑话学英语33:Space mountain太空山

Our seven - year - old daughter was thrilled when we took her to disney world for the first time and headed straight for space mountain

I worried that the roller coaster would be too scary for her , but she insisted

To her delight, we rode it twice.

The next year we returned to the Magic Kingdom and my daughter, now eight, again dragged me to Space Mountain.




1 Space mountain 太空山

Beyond Space Mountain 飞越太空山
space mountain roller coaster 星际历险过山车
Music In The Space Mountain 空山琴音
under mountain art space 山下机构

eg:Simpson, Godfrey and their friends agree that doing Space Mountain and spinning teacups over and over again at every Disney park is anything but repetitive. 

2 thrill

n. 激动;震颤;紧张
vt. 使…颤动;使…紧张;使…感到兴奋或激动
vi. 颤抖;感到兴奋;感到紧张

eg:I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning.

liver thrill 震颤 ; 肝震颤
Thrill Digger 兴奋挖掘者
aortic thrill 主动脉瓣震颤
Racing Thrill 竞速快感
diastolic thrill 舒张期震颤
A thrill 悸动
thrill vt 激动
Joop Thrill 祖蓓激情
Thrill Pass 单日票

3 coaster

n. 沿岸贸易船;杯托,小托盘;雪橇

eg:Life has been in one way or the other a roller-coaster ride for everyone.

Coaster Rider 骑士过山车 ; 横版过关游戏
Coaster Norway 海岸峡湾 ; 挪威
Paper Coaster 杯垫 ; 纸质杯垫
Mini Coaster 迷你过山车
motor coaster 沿海动船
Ken Coaster 肯 ; 肯考斯特
Coaster Paper 吸水纸
coaster brakes 脚刹车
Cup coaster 杯垫

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