Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.
"You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line, right?' he began. The children nodded yes. "Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He's on the other end, but you can't see him. He is listening, though."
Just then, a little boy piped up and asked, "What's his number?"
就在这时,一个小男孩尖着嗓子问道:“他的号码是多少?”英语 笑话 幽默
Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.
"You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line, right?' he began. The children nodded yes. "Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He's on the other end, but you can't see him. He is listening, though."
Just then, a little boy piped up and asked, "What's his number?"
就在这时,一个小男孩尖着嗓子问道:“他的号码是多少?”英语 笑话 幽默
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