- 奥巴马2009年亚利桑那州立大学的演讲——年轻是一种生活态度(中英)
- And I want to say to you today, graduates, Class of 2009, that despite having achieved a remarkable milestone in your life, despite the fact that you and your families are so rightfully proud...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 克林顿于2001年在耶鲁大学300周年校庆上的演讲——认清自己比其他更重要(中英)
- Thank you very much, Mr. President, thank you for that wonderful introduction. And thank you for coming out in such large numbers today at such an important time for Yale and the United State...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 美国总统布什2001年在耶鲁大学的演讲——我们并非是人生的作者(中英)
- President Levin, thank you very much. Dean Brodhead, fellows of the Yale Corporation, fellow Yale parents, families, and graduates: It’s a special privilege to receive this honorary deg...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 法国总统夏尔戴高乐1940年在伦敦英国广播公司 的演讲——谁说败局已定(中英)
- The chiefs who have been at the head of the Army for many years have formed a Government.我们的政府由担任了多年军队领导职务的将领们组成。This government, alleging the defeat of our armies, ha...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 美国演员约翰法瑞尔2003年在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲——真实的世界(中英)
- Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Faculty, Administrators, Friends and Family and, of course, the graduating Class of 2003,I wish to say hello and thank you for bestowing this honor upon me...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 奥巴马米歇尔2009年在出访英国伦敦女校时的第一次外交演讲——成功取决于坚韧的性格(中英)
- This is my first trip. My first foreign trip as a first lady. Can you believe that? (Applause) And while this is not my first visit to the U.K., I have to say that I am glad this is my first...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 耶鲁大学法学院院长哈罗德郭洪柱2008年在耶鲁大学法学院毕业典礼上的演讲——予人玫瑰手有余香(中英)
- Distinguished gusts, faculty, families, friends, and members of the graduating class:尊敬的各位来宾、教职员工、家长们、朋友们以及毕业生们:Welcome,all of you, to the Yale Law School’s 2008...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 美国前最高法院大法官戴维苏特尔2010年在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲——信仰是前进的明灯(中英)
- Following is the text of his Address, delivered Thursday, May 27,2010.以下是他的演讲内容,发表于2010年5月27日,周四。When I was younger, I used to hear Harvard stories from a member of the class o...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 美国微软公司董事长比尔盖茨2007年在清华大学的演讲——前路所在:同中国一起创新(中英)
- When I visited here in 1997—10 years ago—I was very impressed by the talent, the enthusiasm and the creativity of the students that I met at Tsinghua. And it inspired me to suppor...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲44 奥巴马:9.11让美国人民更加团结(MP3+lrc下载)
- Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terror...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲45 奥巴马:为自由的利比亚而战(MP3+lrc下载)
- Good afternoon, everybody. Today, the government of Libya announced the death of Muammar Qaddafi. This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya, who now have the op...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲46 奥巴马:为了逝去的纪念(MP3+lrc下载)
- Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was among the greatest of American innovators—brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲47 奥巴马:我们需要的伙伴关系(MP3+lrc下载)
- On this 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001,we remember that 9/11 was not only an attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world and on the humanity a...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲48 奥巴马:别了,伊拉克(MP3+lrc下载)
- Good evening. Tonight, I’d like to talk to you about the end of our combat mission in Iraq, the ongoing security challenges we face, and the need to rebuild our nation here at home.大家...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲49奥巴马:债务违约将对美国经济产生毁灭性影响(MP3+lrc下载)
- Good evening. There are still some very important votes to be taken by members of Congress, but I want to announce that the leaders of both parties, in both chambers, have reached an agreemen...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲50奥巴马:愿上帝保佑海地人民(MP3+lrc下载)
- Good morning, everybody. This morning I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of the American people following yesterday’s terrible earthquak...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 名人英语演讲:2016英国女王圣诞演讲:致敬“平凡英雄”
- 1The Queen delivered an upbeat Christmas message on Sunday, saying that we can all draw inspiration in the face of difficult times from the achievements of ordinary p...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲51奥巴马:警惕!核攻击危险(MP3+lrc下载)
- Good morning, everybody. I'd like to get started. Let me begin by thanking all of you for your participation last night. I thought it was a very important discussion.大家早上好。会议现在开始...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲52奥巴马:伟大的事业在于我们前进的方向(MP3+lrc下载)
- Thank you so much, everybody. Thank you. Thank you. To Caroline and the Kennedy family, to all the members of Congress and distinguished guests here tonight,it is an extraordinary pleasure to...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲53奥巴马:中美建交,30年风雨兼程(MP3+lrc下载)
- Good morning, everyone. President Hu, members of the Chinese delegation, on behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. And on behalf of the American people,welcome to the Unite...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲54奥巴马:燃烧吧,创业者们(MP3+lrc下载)
- Thank you very much. Everybody, please have a seat. Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Washington.非常感谢。大家请坐。各位晚上好,欢迎来到华盛顿。In my life, and as President, I have had th...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲55奥巴马:上帝保佑我们的矿工(MP3+lrc下载)
- Let me begin by saying that we have been mourning with you throughout these difficult days. Our hearts have been aching with you. We keep our thoughts with the survivors who are recovering an...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 影响世界的伟大演讲56奥巴马:改革,历史的召唤(MP3+lrc下载)
- Madam Speaker, Vice President Biden,members of Congress, distinguished guests,and fellow Americans:女议长、副总统拜登先生,各位国会议员、尊敬的来宾以及全体美国同胞们:Our Constitution declares that...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 名人英语演讲:英国首相梅姨2017新年贺词
- 1The New Year is a time to reflect on what has passed and look ahead to the opportunities to come. And this year, as I consider all that 2017 has in store, I believe...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 名人英语演讲:奥巴马2017新年贺词
- 1Happy New Year, everybody. At a time when we turn the page on one year and look ahead to the future, I just want to take a minute to thank you for everything you&rsq...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿