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  A Scorpion befriended a Ladybug who became a loyal companion to him. A time came when she struggled to cross a challenging and dangerous river, and so the Scorpion offered to take her to the other side on his back. He had come to care for her and promised he would never harm her. But, safely across the river, he allowed his tail to dip upon her with its venomous sting. As she lay in greatest pain, she said, "…… but, you promised…… why?" He shrugged and said, sadly, "Because it is my Nature."

  Regardless of our wishes, or even our intent,

  it is to our Nature alone that we will be faithful.

  Regardless of our wishes, or even our intent, it is to our Nature alone that we will be faithful.

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本文标题:伊索寓言:THE SCORPION AND THE LADYBUG - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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