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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


  N: Did you see her parents?

  B: Yes.

  N: Oh, really? what did they say?

  B: They just don't like Shanghai, and they think it was not a good place, too noisy. (他们也不喜欢上海,觉得这不是个好地方,太吵了。)

  N: But you don't think so.

  B: No, I also decide to leave here too, just thinking, no decision yet. (不,我也觉得要离开这里了,不过现在只是想想,还没最后决定。)

  N: Me too, after seeing the terrorism in New York. (我也一样,自从纽约的恐怖事件以后。)

  B: There was no secure place in America.

  N: Yes, so you have any plans?

  B: Currently don't, after all that has happened, I believe that when love is so strong nothing is impossible.

  N: So you still have so much to look forward. (那你现在还是很多可以期盼的。)

  B: I just hope that all this time apart has been worth it. (我只是希望这段时间的分离值得。)

  N: Hope you can endure(经受)this obstacle(挫折,障碍)。

  B: There is also love which cant endure that. (也有些经不住考验的爱情。)

  N: You sure that she is your soul-mate?

  B: Yes.

  N: You can send her cards thru(老外喜欢偷懒,即through) the mail……

  B: The first time we met online, I wasn't very good at typing, and after several months' contact, I improved a lot. (刚开始上网时,我打字不快,过了几个月,提高了许多。)

  N: What about your ex? (你以前那个女朋友呢?)

  B: We've lost contact for a long time.

  N: So……

  B: So……

  B: I had thought that I will never fall in love with anyone after my ex, but I was wrong. (所以我认为除了我的前女友外我不会再爱上别人了,但是我错了。)

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