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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!


a holiday from school

tommy hated school and was always looking for excuses not
to go.

if he sneezed, he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a cold.

if he had a headache, he asked his mother to take him to the doctor during school hours.

he spent more time at home than he did at school.

on the days that he did go to school, he looked for excuses to come home early.

one morning he came home when the lessons were 0nly half finished."

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本文标题:那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事109:休假 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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