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Benson was a Boston merchant and very proud of his handwriting and his ancestry. After giving a Jew salesman a norder, he gazed at his signature and said:“Pretty good writing that.Do you know one of my ancestors signed the Declaration of Independence?”
"oh, well," said the Jew,"you haf not tings on me,vun of my ancestors signed the Ten Commandments."
本森是个波士顿商人,对自己的书法和祖先都颇为得意。他给一个犹太推销员开了张定单后,凝视着自己的签名说:“这字写得真不错。你知道吗,我有个祖先在《独立宣言》上 签了字?”
“噢,是吗,”犹太人说,“你可比不了我,我有个祖先 在《十诫》上签了字。”
本文标题:祖先 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事Benson was a Boston merchant and very proud of his handwriting and his ancestry. After giving a Jew salesman a norder, he gazed at his signature and said:“Pretty good writing that.Do you know one of my ancestors signed the Declaration of Independence?”
"oh, well," said the Jew,"you haf not tings on me,vun of my ancestors signed the Ten Commandments."
本森是个波士顿商人,对自己的书法和祖先都颇为得意。他给一个犹太推销员开了张定单后,凝视着自己的签名说:“这字写得真不错。你知道吗,我有个祖先在《独立宣言》上 签了字?”
“噢,是吗,”犹太人说,“你可比不了我,我有个祖先 在《十诫》上签了字。”