
11. A Challenging Hunt

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Online English Writing Community

  A woman answered her front door and found two boys holding a list. "Lady," one of them explained, "we are on a treasure hunt, and we need three grains of wheat, a pork-chop bone and a piece of used carbon paper to earn a dollar. "

  "Wow," the woman replied, "who sent you on such a challenging hunt?" "Our baby-sitter's boyfriend. "


  (1) pork-chop 猪肉排

  (2) carbon paper复写纸



  ①The list the two boys were holding must have been about _____.

  A. the name of the baby-sitter's boyfriend

  B. where the two boys should go

  C. the lady's address

  D. the things that the two boys should hunt

  ② Where did the two boys meet the woman?

  A. on the-street

  B. on the road

  C. in the backyard

  D. at her front door

  ③ Why were the boys on the hunt?

  A. Because their parents told them to do so,

  B. Because their baby-sitter was not home.

  C. Because their baby-sitter's boyfriend wanted to stay with her alone.

  D. Because it had bee their usual game.

  ④ The woman's attitude towards the boys' act was that_____ .

  A. she was very happy

  B. she was very angry

  C. she was a bit disappointed

  D. she was a bit surprised

  ⑤ From the passage, we may conclude that______ .

  A. it would take the boys a long time to gather all the required things

  B. the woman would give all the required things to the boys

  C. the boys were cheated by the baby-sitter's game

  D. the baby-sitter ran away with her boyfriend








本文标题:11. A Challenging Hunt - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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