English Corner


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    "What do you want in a Man?" or "What do you want in a girl?" is often the question to the boy or girl who is seeking for his/her partner.

  When you are young your standards are set very high, however, as you age, you will have to lower your standards a bit and a bit and a bit…

  I came across this joke today. It’s absolutely hilarious yet brutally true.




  What I Want in a Man-Original List(age 22):

  1. Handsome

  2. Charming

  3. Financially successful

  4. A caring listener

  5. Witty

  6. In good shape

  7. Dresses with style

  8. Appreciates finer things

  9. Full of thoughtful surprises

  10. An imaginative, romantic lover.













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本文标题:不同年龄段的征婚标准①——22岁年龄段 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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