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  1. low on cash 缺钱花
  例句:OK, you got me. I'm low on cash this month!
  2. poor as a church mouse 像教堂里的耗子那么穷,一贫如洗
  例句:Nobody could imagine that he was as poor as a church mouse when he first came to Hong Kong。
  3. dirt-poor 非常穷困的;极贫困的
  例句:Where would this dirt-poor Jack get a hundred dollars?
  4. working poor 穷忙族(在低报酬职务工作的人)
  例句:Now, more and more people are involved in "working poor"。
  5. live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族
  例句:We stress about the fact that we live from paycheck to paycheck but we don't change our spending habits。
  6. max out (credit card) 刷爆信用卡
  例句:A good way to become penniless is to max out your credit cards and keep borrowing more until the repayments overwhelm you。
  7. be broke 破产了,身无分文了
  例句:If you keep spending money like this, you're going be broke。
  8. live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口
  例句:When I had no job last winter, I had to live from hand to mouth。

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本文标题:如何用英语哭穷? - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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