
英语笑话笑死人不偿命28: 多谢了(双语)

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Thanks a Lot Sarge


The sergeant had just completed the morning inspection of the troops.


"Before I dismiss you, there's just one announcement. Private Kowalski, your mother is dead.  Dismissed. "


The soldier was devastated, of course, and the lieutenant was appalled at the sergeant's heartlessness.


"For Heaven' s sake, sergeant, next time you have to inform a trooper of a loved one' s demise,please be a little more subtle," he said.


A few weeks later, sorry to say, the sergeant had another opportunity.


Lining up his troops, he ordered, "All of you whose mother is still alive, step forward. Not you, Johnson. "


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本文标题:英语笑话笑死人不偿命28: 多谢了(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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