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  The Gemini Parent

  The Gemini person (May 21 to June 21) of either sex does not make an ideal parent. There is too much mind, and not enough heart in the make-up to be effective with children. These people have a youthful outlook themselves, and a fresh and lively point of view. This may help them to understand their children children. A good memory will serve as well. The Gemini person must cultivate patience and affection, and try to create a restful atmosphere in the home rather than a stimulating or exciting one. The Gemini person's whole reaction to life lacks warmth and affection, but this is particularly important in the relationship with children. There are many problems that pure reason alone will not solve, and one of them is the guidance of children. It is a fine thing for children to have intellectual parents, if the parents give children a chance to absorb some of this mental activity and begin to put it to use early in the life.


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