- 新的激励计划(笑话)
- 许多老板用奖金激励员工。一些为员工办健身会员卡,一些甚至为全职父母提供日间托儿服务。我们的老板 更进一步 .我们休息室的门上贴了个牌子:“新的激励计划:工作或 炒鱿鱼!”更多 英语笑话、英语小笑话、英文...
2018-12-28 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- College Joke(4)
- A young man studying in a college abroad sent this SMS to his father:Dear dad,no mon,no fun,your son. The father replied:Dear son,too bad,so sad,your dad.更多 英语笑话、英语小笑话、英文笑话、英语幽默...
2018-12-28 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 夜班(笑话)
- 一个寒冷的11月的夜晚,一个地方警察刚结束了夜班回到家和妻子说:“你简直无法相信今天晚上发生了什么事!我当了这么多年差都没见过这样的事。” “怎么了?” “我在运河边遇到两个家伙,他们一个在喝电池酸液,另一...
2018-12-28 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- College Joke(5)
- A college‘s student body is composed of the sons and daughters of the very rich who could not meet the academic requirements of any other college. Lo and behold,the college basketball team win...
2018-12-28 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- College Joke(6)
- Q. Why do University of Michigan graduates hang their diplomas from their rear view mirror? A. So they can use handicapped parking.更多 英语笑话、英语小笑话、英文笑话、英语幽默小故事,请继续关...
2018-12-28 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- College Joke(7)
- A college student said to his mother,“I decided that I want to be a political science major and that I want to clean up the mess in the world!” “That is very nice,”muted his mother.“You c...
2018-12-28 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:离别是为了日后的重逢
- N: Did you see her parents? B: Yes. N: Oh, really? what did they say? B: They just don't like Shanghai, and they think it was not a good place, too noisy. (他们也不喜欢上海,觉得这不是个好地方,太吵...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:失去后才懂得珍惜
- B: Yes, but I didn't want to lose her. N: But you did, right. B: No, I didn't. N: Yes, u did lost her. B: How did you know that I lost her. N: Well, just intuition.(感觉而已。) 「注」要和...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:我们都是孤独的人
- B: Nikky, if u r online, please contact me. N: Hello, brian, how r u. B: How do u do, I leave a message on your machine yesterday. (我昨天给你的电话留了言。) 「注」machine:机器,此处指“可留言电话...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:她还会回到你身边吗
- B: When did you get involved with this? (这是什么时候开始的?) B: Not long, just a year. (时间不长,一年而已。) N: You never told me that. (你从没有告诉我这些。) B: Well, I never think this is going t...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:她是那么可爱
- N: Why didn't she try to find a job in Shanghai. (为何她不试着在上海找个工作呢?) B: I asked her the same question, but her parents want her back. N: So there is no way out? (难道就没有别的办法了?)...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:上天注定我们不可分开
- N: You have established an incredible chemistry(关系)。 B: Yes, and we were inseparable(不可分开的)since then. N: You or she? B: What? N: Inseparable. B: Both, it was magic from the moment we...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:疯女子梅超风
- 1.背口诀记单词 立一根wand(棍子) 上有女stand(站立) 伸出手hand(手) 抓一把sand(沙子) 撒向了land(陆地) 落到了band(乐队) 气坏了husband(丈夫) 2.识音标,记单词 wand n.棒tuning wand(调谐棒),棍...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:人活着就是要快乐
- B: That's for how long? (有多久了?) N: About one month ago. B: That's great, because you sound happy. N: I am happy. B: That's good for you, nikky. N: Yeah. B: To have someone like that i...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:当即立断
- 1.背口诀记单词 现在我来dictate (口述) 快买那片estate (地产) 决不能再hesitate (犹豫) 对手会把我们imitate (模仿) 2.识音标,记单词 dictate v.口述,口授,使听写,指令,指示,命令,规定;n.指示 estate...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:大学生之梦
- 1.背口诀记单词 踢球伤了feet (脚) 回国球迷greet (欢迎) 塞满一条street (街道) 口袋被装sweet (糖果) 脸被蒙上sheet (床单) 太太却不能meet (遇见) 2.识音标,记单词 feet n.脚(foot的复数),英尺,韵...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:世界杯英雄贝克汉姆
- 1.背口诀记单词 踢球伤了feet (脚) 回国球迷greet (欢迎) 塞满一条street (街道) 口袋被装sweet (糖果) 脸被蒙上sheet (床单) 太太却不能meet (遇见) 2.识音标,记单词 feet n.脚(foot的复数),英尺,韵...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 英语学习中你可能改变不了的几个方面
- So, you want to improve your English? At your age and level of language learning, there are some things you can't change. For example, you can't change …… - the innate (先天的、天生的) language...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:五指不同名,拇指最不灵
- 英语和汉语对手指的称呼既有差别又有相似之处。现介绍如下: 1.thumb: 大拇指。与汉语相映成趣的是,英语的all(fingers and )thumbs也表示"笨手笨脚"的意思,例如: (1)I'm all fingers and thumbs this morning. I...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:中国足球崛起之路
- 1.背口诀记单词 足球是第一sport(运动) 中国需要世界support(支持) 老外把教练transport(输送) 中国把球员export(出口) 2.识音标,记单词 sport n.运动,运动会。 support vt.支撑,扶持,支持,拥护,维持...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英语:记忆学校
- 有两对夫妇每个周末的晚上总要聚在一起打桥牌。 第「1」串:play bridge打桥牌 When I came in, they were playing bridge and didn't notice me at all. 这一天打到一半,休息一会儿,两位夫人进厨房准备...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- Where Is God
- A couple had two little boys ages 8 and 10 who were excessively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that if any mischief occurred in their town their sons...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- A Whole Hour
- Mr. Brown arrived for work an hour late. His clothes were torn and tattered. He was banged and bruised, and he had one arm in a sling. His boss was purple with rage. "It's ten o'clock...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- A middle-aged couple, with two beautiful daughters, decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted. Soon, the wife became pregnant, and, nine months later, delivered a baby boy. The joy...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事 -
- 麻雀和燕子
- Two birds teacher :Here are two birds , one is a swallow, the other is a sparrow .Now who can tell us which is which? Student:I cannot point out but I know the answer . The teacher :Please tel...
2018-12-27 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事